Susan Jack 20th Lancefield International Symposium on Streptococci and Streptococcal Diseases 2017

Susan Jack

Susan is a medical graduate of the University of Otago, with a Postgraduate Diploma in Paediatrics, MPH + Tropical Medicine, PhD in Epidemiology, and is a public health physician. Susan lived in Cambodia for many years undertaking community health and development work among urban poor communities. Nutrition, maternal and child health research and consultancy work followed, and then she worked for WHO, Cambodia on child survival, nutrition, maternal and newborn health. Since returning to New Zealand Susan continued to do health consultancies for WHO in the Solomon Islands, Cambodia and Vietnam. Susan is a senior research fellow at the Centre for International Health and senior lecturer at the Department of Preventive & Social Medicine, University of Otago, teaching public health to medical students, and international health systems to post-graduate students. Susan’s interests include effective translation of evidence into policy, strategy, implementation, and evaluation of public health programmes. Her research interests include global health, anaemia and micronutrient deficiencies, child under-nutrition, effectiveness of maternal and child health and nutrition interventions, and rheumatic fever/rheumatic heart disease.

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